Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Language Free Essays

It even seems that contrastive studies should rather be regarded as an approach, not as a branch of general linguistics. In teaching and learning English as second language, contrastive analysis is really helpful for both the teachers and the students, because we will know the differences and similarities between source language (Al ) and target language Therefore, it is easy for us to learn and adjust to the target engage. So that, we do not incorporate the system of our source language to the target language, because each language has distinct system. We will write a custom essay sample on Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now CA presents a successful theoretical and practical case for the value of CA as a research tool, both for those studying applied linguistics and for teachers needing to adjust their teaching to the state of knowledge of their students Contrastive analysis can help teachers to ; Design teaching and learning materials (methodology) Engage learner in activities to be a good user of target language. (classroom activities) Evaluate text books. Pay attention to the structure Of the texts beyond sentence level. Pay attention to conversation in its regular pattern in different situations. Pay attention to complex areas like intonation. How to cite Language, Papers Language Free Essays To have another language is to possess a second soul. † said Charlemagne, which may sound like a clich © but is actually very accurate. I believe that learning a language expands our life views and provides us some significant opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now Firstly, I strongly believe that the language we learn directly affects our way of thinking as we start to think in that particular language. For example Turkish is my mother tongue and I am learning English as a second language, so I know that there s not exact translation for most of the words from Turkish to English. In this situation if I think like a Turkish, I will probably be misunderstood and cannot state my ideas clearly. So I have to think like an American when I am speaking English to appropriately express my thoughts. This way I will have a different way of thinking of a different culture and I can get to know that culture better. I think this experience ives me a second identity, and this second identity diversifies the way I look at the things as well as my knowledge. In other words, I become a different person than I was before I learned that particular language. The other benefit of learning a second language is obviously being able to communicate with many people. Especially when a person is learning a widely spoken language like English or Spanish, it becomes a lot easier to get to know other people from different countries nd cultures. Additionally learning foreign languages provides huge benefits when it comes to the career, as it is a necessity to know foreign languages to apply for a Job or to work abroad. In conclusion learning a new language will expand our knowledge of the world as we have the mentality of a foreign culture while speaking that language and we gain a second identity with that experience. And of course new languages provide us to get to know more people and contribute to our success. How to cite Language, Papers

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